Finger positions in Apana mudra create an energy circuit that helps in eliminating wastes and negative thoughts!

                     APANA MUDRA-THE GESTURE OF ELIMINATION                    


Apana mudra-The Gesture Of Elimination

When the waste and toxins accumulate in the body, it creates an imbalance in our physical & mental state.

Apana Mudra is one such mudra that helps in eliminating the wastes, faces & toxins from the body and negative Vrittis from the mind.

The mechanism of Apana mudra’s elimination can be understood by knowing the energy associated with five fingers.

  • Thumb – Energy of Fire
  • Index Finger – Energy of Air
  • Middle Finger – Ether energy
  • Ring Finger – Earth (Grounding) energy

Usually, the energy associated with our fingers is dissipated into the environment. When fingers in a yoga mudra come in contact with each other, it creates a loop or closed circuit. This loop or circuit is the representation of giving a direction to energy (by joining fingers in mudra). Further, this energy travels back to our body (instead of dissipating in the environment) and helps in balancing bodily elements.

For elimination in the body, earth and ether elements play an essential role. When there is an imbalance arises in these two elements, the body becomes heavy because of constriction in organs of elimination (anus and genital organ).

In Apana Mudra, you bring earth and ether element in contact with the element of fire (thumb). In yogic psychology, fire is considered the principal element that distorts imbalances present in other elements. Hence, by practicing Apana mudra, elements associated with elimination in the body get balance.

                              5 Prana vayus

As per yogic physiology, our body is composed of 5 Pranas(vital life force). These 5 Pranas are:

  1. Prana Vayu – Upward moving energy lies in the heart
  2. Apana Vayu – Downward moving energy lies in the core of the pelvic floor area
  3. Samana Vayu – Balancing energy lies at the navel
  4. Udana Vayu – The energy of movement lies in joints of the body
  5. Vyana Vayu – Pervades whole body and mind.


Follow the following steps to perform Apana mudra in a yoga session.

  1. Sit comfortably in a meditative posture (Sukhasana, Padmasana & Siddhasana, etc.) on your yoga mat.
  2. Now, close your eyes and bring awareness to the breath coming in & out of the nostrils. Do this for a couple of breaths. This breathing will help you to internalize your Chitta or conciseness.
Finger Arrangement in Apana Mudra

  1. Fold your both hands middle and ring finger towards the thumb and bring your thumb closer to the folded fingers.
  2. Gently press the folded finger’s tip against the tip of the thumb. Keep rest two fingers straight, as extended as possible.
  3. Now, place your both hands (with this arrangement) over the kneecap, palm facing upward. Keep finger arrangement motionless for the entire practice.

Time & Duration

Though there is no specific time for practicing Apana mudra, for best results, one can plan to regularize this mudra in the morning session in conjunction with pranayama practice.

Other times, you can also do it after having a meal (especially when feeling nausea) for better digestion.

Either practice Apana mudra for a duration of 30 to 45 minutes or in three sessions of 10 to 15 minutes.


  1. As per your request.for any mudras we have to do minimum 15 minutes to see the results.


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