RAW PAPAYA KEBABS๐๐๐ Raw papaya kebab is a popular Indian -tea time snack that is made with super healthy, raw papaya or green papaya. I understand how improbable it sounds, but trust me , this raw papaya recipe tastes simply incredible. the best thing about these vegetarians kebabs is in the heart. u just love it the way!! Raw papaya is full of nutrients and vitamins.in, fact papaya is one of the few fruits which can be eaten in both raw and ripe forms and it aids in weight loss. so simple jump to the recipe guys!! INGREDIENTS- * 1 cup grated raw papaya * 1/2 cup boiled potato * Salt to taste * 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder * 1/4 gram masala * 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder * 1 teaspoon pomegr...