

   Glowing skin and luxuriant hair is nothing, just a healthy lifestyle. Keeping the skin and hair naturally healthy in this modern and busy era is difficult but not impossible. Here is the secret of never aging radiant skin and long hair , Yoga. Yoga and a good diet can keep your skin and hair healthy for years. Here is a list of yoga asanas for glowing skin and healthy hair. yoga for glowing skin Everyone wants to look and feel   good in a natural way but skin problems don’t leave us. These skin problems appear on our face due to unhealthy lifestyle and stress. No matter what the reason is, doing the following asanas will help you in getting glowing and  problem-free skin. Bhujangaasana                        This pose strengthens the shoulders and back, reduces stress and fatigue, increases the blood circulation that makes your  skin glow . Avoid doing this asana if pregnant or have spinal injuries, fractured wrists. Always start practicing yoga poses under the yoga teacher’s guidan


Diabetes Diet: Bajra palak roti or paratha is an excellent choice for a winter diet when fresh spinach flocks the markets and bajra, which is a warming food, can be easily had in the cold weather. Diabetes is a condition when the pancreas can't produce enough insulin or the body is not able to process the insulin available. This leads to a spike in blood sugar levels, which can further lead to many health issues. It is important to keep blood sugar levels in check, and besides medications prescribed by doctors, our diet can play a significant role too. Switching to low glycaemic foods is often advised. We make our everyday  Rotis  with whole wheat flour. Moving to  Bajara , a non-gluten flour, can be helpful. Bajra flour contains complex carbohydrates of good quality, which may aid the slow release of glucose in the bloodstream. Consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta reveals, "The starch present in bajra s digested slowly, which is converted to glucose slowly. Also, bajra is hig


                                                       Research states that yoga exercises may help children cope with stress and have a balance in life and mental health . A child doesn’t require yoga skills to start practicing it. They just have to start, and yoga will become a way of their life. It keeps them active, balances their body, mind, and soul, and helps them focus on their life. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF YOGA FOR KIDS Yoga is a philosophy that teaches the ability to unite the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of a person and helps them to reach a state of inner peace and mindfulness.  It is a good idea to start teaching yoga to kids at an early age, as it is not only beneficial to their physical growth but also for their emotional and overall well-being. It also helps children to develop interpersonal relationships, stress management, and mindfulness, skills that might be useful in their adulthood. Yoga may be helpful while dealing with several physical and emotion