Feeling more stressed than usual? The problem could be your diet. Here are 5 healthy anti-stress foods to help calm stress and anxiety. Living a modern, dynamic lifestyle with so many commitments, responsibilities and to-do lists can easily lead to chronic stress. Stress does a lot of mental and physical damage, so many people seek comfort in chocolate, ice cream or junk food in an attempt to feel better. But the opposite is true. In fact, 33% of adults in the United States have reached for unhealthy foods when feeling stressed and 40% feel bad about doing this. Keep reading to discover the best anti-stress foods for reducing stress and anxiety. The Best Anti Stress Foods for Reducing Stress: 1. Avocados Avocados have a strange reputation among healthy foods because of their high-fat content. But the fats in avocados are monounsaturated, which means they’ll convert to energy that your body will use instead of store as fat. But avocados also c