Let me wrap up my year with you with the best nutrition tips. So you can start 2021 with the promise of a better year.
. Hydrate well. Buy yourself a swanky sports stainless steel bottle. Plz, avoid plastic.
. Eat five fruits in a day. Not the same. Different ones. It does not matter which just jumble them around.
. Make Haldi (turmeric) and amla (gooseberry)the opening batsmen of your day. each of these has potent compounds that have a tremendous strike rate at boosting your immunity.
. Make beetroot your 2021 will change your blood and improve your circulation. two a day will keep the doctor away! Applies to ages 9 to 99!
. Black chai, not white, will be the new fashion. Black tea is touted as a virus killer in a lab petri dish. So I say let us just have two cups of black tea in a day. lose the milk. Milk adds to your waistline and 3kgs weight in a year.
. Appreciate Ghar ka khana. Your household supplied the best-quality rice, roti, dal, and sabzi. resturants don't. They are looking to profit.low-cost raw materials,high-cost presentation,zero nutrition!
.Meditate or take 30 deep breaths at 11am and 5pm. Deep breathing helps burn fat. your lungs need to exercise.
. Speaking of exercise,12,021 steps is the magical figure for fat loss! Memorize this number. Get a yoga wearable. Wear it and start morning buddy! Yoga is the ultimate fit for your health. Do with breathing.
.Customise your nutrition. Don't buy a new car. Get a trainer and mat. your new investment in 2021 will be a new wardrobe as you change your body. Your body is your only asset on this planet.
.Sleep by 10pm. Wake when your body asks you to.

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