

 Yoga and mindfulness offer psychological benefits for children as well. A growing body of research has already shown that yoga can  improve focus, memory, self-esteem , academic performance, and classroom behavior, and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children. Even if your child doesn't formally participate in any sports, they can still reap wonderful benefits from doing simple stretches, going for a walk or riding a bike. Another activity that's gaining widespread popularity is yoga, and when you look at the list of benefits it can have on people of all ages, it's easy to see why. Yoga is very easy to work into your child's daily routine, and you can enjoy it together whether it's in the living room, in the backyard or at the park. Here are some of the fantastic benefits of yoga: builds focus and concentration increases strength and flexibility improves balance and coordination boosts confidence and self-esteem fosters a feeling of wellbeing and respect for

Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

  Juicing gives us the opportunity to increase our daily fruit and vegetable intake, boost our vitamin levels, support our immune system, and   help us with weight loss. Not only does juicing gives us all the amazing benefits of eating a whole plate of fruits and veggies, but it can help you jump start weight loss. If you want to learn about the weight loss-related benefits of juicing, or if you’re just looking for weight loss-friendly juicing recipes, you’re in the right place.   Now, let’s get into the recipes for weight loss. KICK START MORNING JUICE- Yield:  Around one 12 oz serving (may vary). INGREDIENTS: Red Apple – 16 oz (2 1/4 medium apple) Lemon – 1.79 oz (1/2 medium lemon) Ginger – 0.18 oz (1 half inch piece of ginger root) Cayenne (ground) – 1 pinch DIRECTIONS: Wash the produce. Weigh ingredients. Peel the lemon. Juice the ingredients together. Add a large pinch of cayenne pepper. THE BEST GREENS JUICE Yield:  Around one 12 oz serving (may vary). INGREDIENTS: Kale – 5.54 oz

##How to Balance the Sacral Chakra for Greater Sensuality, Intimacy, Creativity and sexuality###

If you’re looking for a way to tap into your creativity, sensuality, and sexuality, some people say to look no farther than your own body — specifically, the sacral chakra. The Chakras are believed by some to be energy centers distributed throughout the body, with seven of the main chakras located along your spine. These wheel-like energy points are associated with different physical and emotional functions in the human body, affecting your overall well-being. The second of these main chakras is the sacral chakra, also known by some as the “sex chakra.” Some people believe it: enhances creative expression improves sexual intimacy increases intuition Though there’s no scientific evidence to support the existence of the chakras, they’re part of religious and spiritual belief systems around the globe, including Buddhism and Hinduism.           What is the sacral chakra?            The sacral chakra is believed to be located below the navel, where the perineum is. It’s said to govern the s

Anti-Aging Facial Exercises That Can Restore Your Youthful Glow

                                                      Do you know what people dread the most, apart from getting fat? Yes! you heard it right! It’s the spotting signs of ageing such as wrinkles and blemishes. Read on to find out about the reasons of skin aging, the various anti-aging facial exercises and its benefits. Face yoga works on stimulating and strengthening the face muscles, tightening the skin and reducing the signs of ageing. By doing the muscle strengthening process and engaging them in resistance training, you can help your body increase blood circulation to the skin. A little bit of frowning and clowning is best regarded as a non-invasive alternative to Botox surgery. It helps in getting rid of both the wrinkles and needles from your face. Facial exercises are very effective only if you can commit to a routine. Reasons for Skin Aging Age-related skin alterations such as wrinkles, fine lines, discolouration, loss of firmness, etc. are a result of two main processes- Intrin

Blue tea (APARAJITA TEA) can help you look young, stay healthy and fight depression!

  Shankhpushpi, which is also known as Asian pigeonwings, Shankhini, Kambumalini, Sadaphuli and Sankhaphuli, is popularly used as a memory booster and brain tonic. The flower got its name owing to its conch-like shape. Shankhpushpi, the Asian flower that blooms post-summer and mid-monsoon is considered part of herbal medicine. The conch-shaped (or shankh in Hindi) flower, also known as Asian pigeonwings, Shankhini, Kambumalini, Sadaphuli and Sankhaphuli, is popularly used as a memory booster and brain tonic. In Ayurveda, the edible flower is used to calm one’s mind. How do you make aparajita tea at home? * The powerful antioxidants of this flower helps in concentration and calms your brain. It can be beneficial for students during their exam preparation. * It reduces mental fatigue that happens due to long work hours and excessive screen time. * People with depression should include it in their daily routine as it helps in balancing brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters and ups sec

Millet diet chart for weight loss: Millet diet benefits.

Millet diet chart for weight loss                   Below we give a gluten-free diet plan which is simple or easy to follow. So dropdown below to know more about the topic. First, you need to follow:-  After waking with Empty Stomach, drink one glass of warm water and also add half a piece of lemon juice. Besides, you can also add one tablespoon of basil seeds Breakfast schedule  Prepare one bowl of Nachni Satva. Just boiled 1 tbsp of nachni satva by adding these into one cup of milk. Or you can use water instead of milk. And then finish the recipe by adding 1-2 almonds. But don’t add sugar. Another option is boiled Bajra flour,  jowar flour, onion to make 1 medium-size bowl of Thalipeeth. Mid-Morning:           Prepare One glass of vegetable and fruit juice. Take a mixture and add 1 fruit, 1 spinach, dudhi, and ginger then mix to start the machine. After that,  you can add salt for a better taste.                   Lunch:  1 cup of raita or mix vegetables.  Jowar Methi Roti of two pie