

                                         Yes, it's from Ayurveda, you won't believe but yes it will remove your cold in just 1 night, if you don't believe just try it. it is very easy to make and it is very effective too. cinnamon, cloves, ginger all have natural qualities to fight with cold and no side effects. when we use cough syrups, it has a side effect that you will feel tired and sleepy but this will not make you feel that and you can use it as green tea also if you are in cold weather. it will also work well for digestion. so let's make it. INGREDIENTS: 2-3 cloves 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) of cinnamon stick 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds 2 cardamoms 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) of ginger 1 teaspoon of jaggery 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of coffee powder 2-3 cups of water Make a powder of black pepper and jaggery. Black pepper: The rationale behind it is that black pepper stimulates circulation and mucus flow. Potassium, another mineral in black pepper, helps improve your s


                                       Yoni Mudra Benefits                       Yoni Mudra is referred to as Feminine Adi Shakti Primal Power Mudra. Given below are some of the important benefits that are derived when one practices Yoni Mudra. Connection to the Earth : The practice of Yoni Mudra teaches one to go back to where one started - the earth - the birth. Bringing a sense of connection to where we belong. It is done on a very spiritual level. Female Energy : The practice of Yoni Mudra helps women to connect to the innate female energy. The main source of life creation embedded deep in the lady - her womb. Balance in the energy : The practice of Yoni Mudra where the fingers are touching each other is said to bring balance within the body in relation to prana. The two most important  nadis - Ida and Pingala  are said to work in harmony encouraging balance. Fertility in women improves : With the practice of Yoni Mudra when done regularly for a good duration, is said to help women


 Hey yogis/yoginis,  Say hello to your new favorite breakfast recipe. with rich chocolate and smooth peanut butter in every delicious spoonful, it's a chocolate peanut butter lover's dream come true. And the entire breakfast takes less than 5 minutes. #stay healthy #                                 CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER OATMEAL BOWLS   DESCRIPTION  5 minutes chocolate peanut butter oatmeal recipe that uses old-fashioned rolled oats (or)normal oats also you can use .just pop in the microwave and enjoy your morning. Gluten-free, vegan, and high fiber protein.  INGREDIENTS  * 1/2 cup oats  *1 Tablespoon peanut butter🥜🥜 * 3/4 cup unsweetened milk ( your choice) * 2 pieces of dark chocolate  * A pinch of cinnamon  INSTRUCTIONS  1.Add oats and milk into a bowl and stir to combine. Microwave for 1 minute, then stir and continue to microwave for 30 seconds. 2.carefully remove from microwave (bowl will be hot). Then add a pinch of cinnamon and peanut butter. finally, drop your dark


  Constipation is a common issue that we all experience now and then. But this digestive problem has become even more prominent during the lockdown due to changes in our entire daily schedule. We get up late in the morning, binge eats unhealthy foods, and involve in minimum physical activities. All these things have given rise to a new term called "Quarantine constipation". As per experts, even if you were not struggling with bowel movement earlier, chances are that during quarantine you might be facing difficulty in passing your bowel easily. Feeling constipated does not only make you uncomfortable but can also ruin your entire day. You won't be able to concentrate on your work, eat anything and your entire focus will be on your digestive health. Many people try over-the-counter medicines and home remedies. But another safer and natural way to get rid of the problem of constipation is yoga. ​How yoga can help in constipation Yoga does not only help to make your body flex

Can triphala be consumed before practising yoga?

  It is suggested to  take Triphala  between meals on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. Typically, recommended doses range from 500 mg to one gram per day, though larger amounts can be used to treat symptoms like constipation ( 45 ). Powdered versions can be mixed with warm water and honey and  taken  before meals. Triphala Health Benefits Increases the digestive fire  Detoxifies the system Flushes out the GI tract Cleanses and strengthens the liver and blood Promotes healthy daily elimination (mild laxative) Aids in weight loss Enhances the circulation Great source of Vitamin C Powerful antioxidant properties Anti-aging Anti-cancer (for prevention only, do not take if cancer is active or chemotherapy treatments are present) Immune boosting Beautifies the complexion (internal and external use) Increases the health of the hair, skin, and eyes (internal and external use) Although you may have multiple reasons for taking this herbal panacea, there is likely one or two that you pref


  As we approach each  yoga  posture (or any other physically demanding activity), we need to  push  ourselves to move the body further into the posture. ... Often, the act of  yielding  or surrendering within the posture makes the posture more available to us. All the yoga postures or asanas ,provide us as opportunity to play with the ideas of ''push''and ''yield''and yet we can extend this energetic experience into our daily lives.

Should student be allowed to have meditation in the morning hours?

  START YOUR DAY WITH SILENCE -THE BENEFITS OF MORNING MEDITATION   The ideal time to meditate is first thing in the morning. The benefits of meditation are enhanced when your mind is free and clear before the stresses of the day have crept in.  One of the biggest myths about meditation is that it takes a long time. You can meditate for a long while, absolutely, but you don’t have to. You can meditate with whatever time you have, even if it’s only five minutes.  Here’s how it works: the act of meditating causes the pituitary gland in your brain to secrete endorphins. We know about endorphins. They make us feel good, emotionally, and physically. Meditation also enhances activity in the area of your brain that’s associated with positive emotions and experiences. Some studies suggest that meditation helps combat depression and anxiety, while others say that regular meditation may improve pain tolerance.  Remember that meditation is something you  practice.  It’s probably not going to come